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The Wheel of the Year (Tarot Read)

2 hr
444 Canadian dollars
Healing Wishes|Healing Ottawa Reiki

Service Description

What if you could get insight into the year to come? Know the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead? How would YOU use this information? This spread is a full year read to inform and guide you as you navigate the periods and festivals of the year (Samhain, Yule, Imbol Ostara, Beltane, Lammas, Litha, Mabon). The center of the wheel is the hub, three cards layered to create a 3D persona which represents you, your business or something else where you are need guidance. Each spoke of the wheel resembles a film strip or flowing landscape, which tells a story or adds detail to the events.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy: Notification must be given 24 hrs prior to appointment, otherwise full charges will apply.

Contact Details

  • 117 Eleventh Street West, Cornwall, ON K6J 5C5, Canada

    + 613-204-9092

  • 2609 Fenton Road, Gloucester, ON, Canada


Cornwall      Ottawa

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