Check locations when booking -
Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun is Ottawa location
Tue/Thur/Sat is Cornwall location
30 min30 min
50 Canadian dollars
Healing Wishes|Healing Ottawa Reiki
Service Description
Children under 16 years old
Reiki is a Japanese system of energy healing, it works by channeling energy through the body and is transferred by the laying on of hands. This helps the body to release tension and heal itself. Reiki is used to shift energy blocks present in the body. These have physical, emotional, spiritual origins. Reiki helps with pain relief, injuries and releasing emotions, aiding the body's return to harmony and balance. The recipient feels a nice sense of warmth and deep relaxation.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: Notification must be given 24 hrs prior to appointment, otherwise full charges will apply.
Contact Details
117 Eleventh Street West, Cornwall, ON K6J 5C5, Canada